We have compiled below a sample of the most-often-asked questions about each of our services.  From finding a property to rent or to buy to finding a school for your child(ren) as well as applying to a UK university, we hope the below helps towards an understanding of how these services work in the UK.
If you require more initial support, please do get in contact for a complimentary phone call.




EDUCATION: schools

EDUCATION: universities



We know London. We work with the best property agents across London to save you time and money. We have access to off-market properties. We work with the best private, international and state schools in London and the UK.



When relocating to London we can help you find the right home. We support individuals and couples find a property and if you have a family, we can guide you to find the right school (state, private and international) for your child. From homes to schools and everything in between, we can assist you.



Looking to rent or buy a property in London? Whether relocating from overseas or within the UK, we can guide you to the best areas that work for you and find you the best home for you and your family. Whether looking for a 1 bed or 2 bed apartment or a house with garden, we can help you.



We assist you to find the best schools that meet your child(ren)’s needs and aspirations. From state schools, UK private and international schools to boarding schools, we support you with arranging school visits and completing applications. Applying to a UK university? We support guide and support you through the UCAS application process from the start through to accepting offers.